Blog for Flutists and Composers

  • Improvisation: Freedom and Responsibility

    Maggie Nicols On Sunday, May 20th I took part in a vocal improvisation workshop led my Maggie Nicols in Cologne. My husband is a huge fan, and signed me up in absentia while I was on tour in the US. There were about 25 of us, professional singers, lay singers, theater people, and professional instrumentalists.…

  • Singing and playing

    Some time ago I decided to devote at least a few minutes of my flute practice time to singing. Long story as to why, I won’t go in to that here. But the decision to sing, and the upcoming workshop I am giving at the Adams Flute Festival on Sunday April 15, 2012 inspired me…

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  • The Radiant, Gradient Way: Color Practice

    No one can watch the inside of your mouth when you play the flute, thank goodness. However, when talking to students about color changes, an X-Ray machine might come in handy. You could demonstrate how the position of the tongue, the jaw, and so many things come into play when you change the sound of…

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  • Contemporary Music: Where’s the Music?

    Funny how memories work. I am left with the lingering conviction, no doubt untrue, that the esthetic of Arnold Schönberg and the Second Viennese School was motivated by peevishness. Not that I was there to remember, but it is the sense I got from student reading and listening to hip lecturers. (For example, I enjoyed…

  • Polyrthythms IV – Practicing Tempo Modulation

    This is a continuation of my previous post, where I use Taffanel/Gaubert’s Exercises Journaliers no. 1 to practice polyrhythms. Check that out before trying these! It will give you the correct placement in the measure for 4:3 and 4:5, which I have not notated here. In these exercises, the metronome stays the same but the…

  • Polyrhythm III Exercise with Taffanel/Gaubert

    Here is the third of my posts on rhythm. You can read the first post here and the second here. I wouldn’t proceed here unless you can perform the exercises of these previous posts. What I like about using Taffanel/Gaubert no. 1 from Exercices Journaliers is that it is a melodic study. In my first…

  • Polyrhythm II

    To read my first post on how to figure out polyrhythms, click here. To internalize an unfamilar polyrhythm, I suggest the following steps: 1) clap and tap the rhythm away from your instrument 2) play it on your instrument, using a single pitch (no moving notes yet) 3) if it’s a difficult passage, play it…

  • Polyrhythms I

    This is the first of a series about practicing complex rhythms related to a pulse, a.k.a. polyrhythms. Why bother practicing polyrhythms? Some of us have been taught that our metronome is our best friend, but how useful is it really? Do we bother to listen to it? If we do, does it ensure us a…
