Extended Techniques for Flute – Notation Cheat-Sheet

So here is my attempt to get a lot of information to you quickly and succinctly via Google spreadsheets. The photo quality is not so good, but this way I can make quick changes, and you are always viewing the latest version. This is not an exhaustive overview of all notation practices – it is a quick-fix if you are looking for a standard, acceptable notation.

You can go to this document directly and download it as a PDF or view it here:


2 responses to “Extended Techniques for Flute – Notation Cheat-Sheet”

  1. Tod Brody Avatar
    Tod Brody

    Helen, congrats on getting this great information into such a concise and useful form. Hope the composers all get this and use it — particularly like your emphasis (both here and elsewhere) on only writing techniques that rely on the resonance of the tube (tongue pizz, tongue stop (ram), key clicks) in the first octave. And I wonder if you’ve ever given any thought to adopting Robert Dick’s suggested renamings of tongue ram as “tongue stop” (both more accurate and nicer, says RD) and of whistle tone as “whisper tone.”

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks, Tod! And also for the reminder of “tongue stop” – I should include it in the terms. Personally, I have no preference. And “whisper tone” is more accurate I think, because when composers think of whistles they think of normal whistles which are much louder. Thanks for your input!

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