Multiphonics for Saunders Bite

I am very pleased that a number of young flutists are learning Rebecca Saunder’s Bite for solo bass flute. However, I am a bit ashamed that I did not have a good look at the multiphonic table in the earliest versions and insist on alternatives and corrections. Better late than never! Here goes:

Multiphonic table from Saunder’s Bite. Blue circled ones need open holes, the red ones are just wrong.

I’ll address them one by one. However, a preface to all of them in general: you are allowed to make substitutions, if a multiphonic just refuses to speak. Find something similar, or replace it with one of the ones given. I also won’t remark on the microtonal variations, some of the written notes are about a quarter-tone off. Don’t sweat it or try to tune it, just use the fingering if it works.

  1. ok
  2. ok
  3. If you don’t have the open hole, I suggest substituting this one with number 5. If you think of another solution, I am curious!
  4. I think this one was meant:

I would substitute number 5 for this one too, if you don’t have an open hole. However, it is used rarely (I’ll have to check, maybe not at all in the final version).

5. ok

6. ok

7. ok

8. Forget the C# in parenthesis. This one needs to be rolled out quite a bit.

9. ok

10. ok

11. ok

12. If you don’t have an open hole, substitute with 11 or thirteen, depending on what sounds better for you in context.

13. ok

14. ok

Some are really tricky to produce, try rolling way more out or in that you normally would, or experimenting with the position of your tongue. Book a Zoom lesson if you really need help. Good luck and have fun with the piece!


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