Blog for Flutists and Composers

  • Composing for Students (Conservatory Level)

    I was asked by a composer what pitfalls there might be for writing an ensemble piece for a local conservatory. Since we both had copies Carin Levine’s Techniques of Flute Playing, I took that as my basis and made the following remarks. I will preface these remarks with an important note. If you are composing…

  • Bass Flute ins and outs – for composers

    Here’s some collected advice on how to compose for the bass flute. Please realize that the bass flute is not a true bass instrument. It won’t honk unless you amplify it or use its third octave. Both can be very effective, but I often wonder why composers don’t take advantage of the beautiful acoustic sound…

  • Early Summer

    Hey Folks,it’s been awhile, but now that I have re-couped from early summer projects it’s time for a retrospective. June 18th was a busy day. In preparation for an article for Pan, I visited the Hochschule here in Cologne. What a creepy place! Lovely naked concrete 80’s architecture. Anyway, that aside, had a very interesting…

  • Double Double Tongue

    Working on the Berio Sequenza, I’ve been trying to figure out ways to double tongue faster. Theoretically, I presume, one should be able to double tongue exactly twice as fast as one can single tongue. [1x ST = 2x DT] So if I can single tongue 16th notes at mm.=120, why can’t I double tongue…

  • Thought for the Day

    Here’s the caption in bigger letters:The planet is asleep and it’s the fault of musicianswho are untrue to themselves. – Sun Ra

  • Preview of Solo Concerts June 29th and July 5th

    Here I am just keeping tabs on myself again. I’m into the home stretch of preparations for my first solo concerts (not solo appearances, by the way) after the birth of Nikolai, Sept. 14, 2008. Now is the time to appreciate all the energy that goes into the preparation of a solo flute concert. Just…

  • Fast or Schnell

    On May 9th 2009 I gave a small workshop in Wulfrath, Germany for amateurs on finger technique. I thought I’d put the link to the PDF hand-out here, although it is also on my website. Have a look, in English or auf deutsch, and let me know what you think! Tips for learning fast passages…

  • Syrinx – who is playing whom?

    Peter Paul Rubens- Pan & Syrinx (Staatliche Museum, Kassel) A thought occurred to me today while playing and listening to several recordings of Debussy’s Syrinx. Most likely, it was not an original thought. We all learn the story this of piece: its role as incidental music in Gabriel Mourey’s Psyche, and the story of Pan.…
